muscle up

Hello there, It is good time to upgrade yourself. Still confused what to upgrade? Look at mirror, which part of body need to upgrade? Upper or lower, ripped or swollen. After you find which to upgrade, the first step to prepare is equipment, the next is to set timetable, furthermore step is choosing proper diet. When everything is ready, on your first day you can start to push for your chest area, incline press, decline press or bench press. On the second day, you can continue with pull, pull your back, shoulders, arms and legs. The following day, work out for cardio, lunges, crunches, sit up, and aerobic. 
         The work out time table will be for beginners who really start from basic. It will be so tiring for the first week. As you never do lifting peso sport. It is normal, but do not stop. What you should do is take nutritious food and more resting time. After couple of weeks, start to run your diet program. It will be about eating tasteless steaming food and food supplement to gain more muscle. The are some famous brand to boost your protein. If you want swollen body, then you double and level up your barbel or dumbel load and repetition. Repetition is a movement of lifting that repeat few times. The repetition set is intensive. If you want to get power, you can extend the set and put the load on constant weight.
         Muscle form of bodybuilding is divided into 2 type. The first is swollen muscle and the second is ripped muscle. Swollen muscle get from intensive work out and excessive protein. The possible strategy is intensive leveling set, shorten break, consume high protein during workout and heavy load additional. How about the diet? Little carbo, much more protein, and fiber, no salt, less fat and sugar. Ripped muscle shape from high level diet and extreme workout. The strategy is intensive repetition, constant load, variative movement, and extreme diet program. So, what is the menu for ripped muscle? Alternate carbo in small number, medium size protein, and fiber, no salt, less fat and sugar.
         Well, which muscle will you upgrade? It is on your hand. Be advise, the value of successful to muscle up is your willingness, mind, and discipline. Once you will get bored, take your friends or girlfriend to join workout. Believe that you can gain success and do the diet routinely. You will see the result. Process will never betray the result. See you in the next post. Please leave comment, share and like it.


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