kick off your ball

       Ball is round and around you. What you see on tv sport is about soccer or football. If this is your passion, you will do anything to reach that. You do not to be skilful. Everyone has basic talent. Skill can be sharpened, but passion, it needs deep and long time growing. After your passion grows in your heart, you can equip yourself with the best gear from the best brand. There are some brands. You need to buy it online or on site and buy the gear you need not you like. To play football or soccer, you need strong, durable and comfortable shoes. All brands are same, but price is different. 
         When you finish with searching the shoes, buy the ball. If you are confused, ask the seller or check product review. After you have ball and shoes on your hand, you need to practice the very basic of soccer, ball feeling. Youtube provides dozen or hundred of tutorial video. Watch it thoroughly then download it. Pay attention in detail, follow the instruction, practice it then repeat the movement many times. Trial and error will accompany Everyone. It need big and steel heart to accept failure. But you need to remember process will not betray the result. Painful and injury is like rockstone to pass by.
        After you are confidence with your basic skill, try to join your school team or nearby soccer club. In the soccer club, the talent scouts will deeply observe every potential players. What they value from the player is ability to improve and learn as well the mental health. The clue to improve your value is intensive training, discipline and initiative. After those factor fulfiled, you are ready to enrol to be amateur soccerer which easy to be professional athlete and gain money through playing soccer. What you need to is just practice, practice and practice. Someone says practice makes perfect. 
          Keep dreaming to make you live. Keep training to reach your dream success. Because no gain no pain. See you in the next post. Please leave comment, share and like.


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