The Miracle of avocado

                Avocado Hasil gambar untuk avocado contains soft, creamy texture, and tasteful. If you want to consume healthy fat, take avocado for you choice. Why? Because this fruit contains unsaturated fat which is good in reducing cholesterol. Besides, inside the flesh of avocado contains B vitamin that is good to help you against the disease and infection. The content of vitamin C, E and phytochemical in avocado prevents the cancer well.
                Here the other benefits of avocado that you have to know and consume,
·         Reduce cholesterolGambar terkait 
Research shows that eating avocado is able to help reduce bad cholesterol in the body. Consuming avocado routine in a week can reduce 22% of bad cholesterol and increase 11 % of good cholesterol. High cholesterol is one of main factor causes heart disease.
·         Prevent cancer Gambar terkait
The content of phytochemical in avocado is able to prevent the growth of cancer. Other research shows that phytochemical also reduce the side effect of chemotherapy.
·         Lose weight Gambar terkait
Half of avocado contains 3,4 gram fiber which helps your stomach not only feel full in longer time but also increase the digestive system. Besides, avocado has oleat acid, fat that stimulates your brain to control hungry. So you can avoid of willingness to have snack time.
·         Reduce the physical defect risk on baby
Avocado is one of the best source of folic acid. This nutrition is so beneficial to protect the fetus health that reduce the risk of physical defect. Consuming folic acid is also good to reduce cardiovascular disease.
·         Keep your eyes healthy
In the flesh of avocado contains high anti-oxidant like lutein and zeaxanthin. Both are benefit to protect eyes health, reduce the risk of eye-sore, and keep your vision sharp.
·         Stabilize glycemic
Since avocado has good unsaturated fat, so it can control your sudden rise of glycemic.  You can avoid from willingness of having meal, impact to your stable glycemic.
                Now you can consume avocado directly if you are bored with the way of process like juice or fruity soup. Besides, you can make avocado sauce as your healthy snack.


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