Jenkol, the magnificent stinky bean


            Jenkol (archidendion jiringa) grows in mostly southeast asia. This food is famous with its strong smell, beside the bad smell, jenkol has delicious taste.
       Jenkol is commonly processed by stewing. For the jenkol lover, it tastes as delicious as any kind of meat. Eventhough the taste is delicious, it does not ensure some people to try it since the bad smell.
        Actually, jenkol gives a lot benefit to health. For those who do not like jenkol, perhaps they should know some good effect by consuming jenkol.
        Those are some benefit i.e:
◎  Prevent osteoporosis
     It does not only contain iron and protein, but also calcium and phosporus which can prevent osteoporosis. So, consuming jenkol in enough portion and frequent occasion can strenghten your bone much stronger.
◎  Prevent gastritis
     Having bad habit of postponing mealtime or taking late mealtime can cause gastritis. If you have ulcer or gastritis, it will impact to your gastric and endanger it. The benefit of eating jenkol regularly, will prevent the illness or gastritis. A research done to mouse shows that mouse eating jenkol tends to highly protected and get off digestive problem such gastritis.
◎  Help to overcome heart disease
     Jenkol is diuretic food (smoothen urinary) which good for heart disease sufferer.
◎  Trim your belly
      Jenkol also helps trim your belly fat because it contains high fiber. One of bloated causes is unsmoothen and not routin having defecation.
◎  Prevent diabetic
     Jenkol contains jenkolat acid in undissolved water crystal shape, which prevent the rise of diabetic disease.
◎  Prevent narrowing of blood vessel
     Patient of heart disease suffer from narrowing blood vessel, so that blood stream to heart flows smoothly. In normal condition, heart needs blood in huge number to be transfered to all body parts. The content of mineral in jenkol can expand blood vessel which shrievel up and prevent narrowing blood vessel.
◎  Overcome obstipation
     Jenkol contains high fiber which is useful to overcome your obstipation problem and smoothen your defecation. Those who have obstipation problem had better consume jenkol in normal amount.

     That is about jenkol at glance. When you see the physical appearance of jenkol, it is far from delicious. Once you taste it, you will feel the delicious and the benefit. Enjoy it !!

Source: okezone
Trn: D$&


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