Gardening Time!!

Gardening does not only make our body healthier but also positive impact to mental health by purifying mind and soul. Why?because..

1. Learn to be sincere
         Gardening teaches us some valuable experience that is heartfelt to accept any result and embrace everything at any condition. Since every effort and hardworking in nursing  or harvesting garden comodity will not give any guarantee of magnificent result.

2. Leave perfectionism  behind
           Perfect is not always about beauty. If you are perfectionist, gardening will teach you to love incomplete part of things. Trying to make everything around you perfect can cause frustration.

3. Socialize actively
            gardening will provide you a perfect opportunity to connect with others. Surely this thing can increase prosperity and help you develop a healthy relationship with others.

4. Physical exercise
             Physical exercise is the other effective way to advance your joyfull situation. It can reduce anxiety and boost your spirit. Or even, when you can notgo to gym regularly, walk around the garden to water and nurse your plants intensively will help you keep your muscle strenght.

5. Reduce stress
              Being in open natural area under the warm sunlight and windy fresh air, will wipe out your anxiety at once. So, keep your spare time by walking around at garden or park.

6. Healthy food
              Gardening will motivate you to consume healthy food. Your garden can produce fresh vegetable and fruit beside having joy to own it. This will not only make you stay healthy but also impact to your mental healthy significantly.

Enjoy gardening!!😊😊


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