good sleep, stay healthy

           Many people will do everything to gain healthy. Going to gym, eating healthy food, reducing stressfull and doing sport or excercise. From some reasons mentioned above, the clue of staying healthy is resting or sleeping. It is no only about sleeping time, but also duration and position of sleeping. Why I mention position of sleeping is important for health? For you to believe, it has been practically proven since centuries ago.
           Before we enter the explanation, firstly we will check human anatomy. Why? Let see the position of the important inside organ such heart, liver, stomach, kidney, etc. 
 when we look at the picture of inside organ, the position of heart is in the middle of lungs. Now, put your hand on your left chest, then feel your heartbeat. Heart is the most important inside organ. It distributes blood to all over human organs. Heart works hardest of all. That is why it will stop suddenly when it gets tired or in other word, we are dead. Actually, we can rest it. We can slow the work of heartbeat. And it has relationship with sleeping position. It is not a theory, you can practice at once. Let's start.
            After you put your hand on your left chest and feel the heartbeat, now lay down with face up position. You will feel normal, heartbeat pumps normally. This sleeping posture is common. Now, try other sleeping posture. Lay down with oblique sleeping posture on your left side. Hold this position for some time on position of your left arm support your head as pillow, if there is no pillow. But, if you have more pillow, put the pillow between head and arm. During the laying time, you are able to hear your heartbeat louder. Why? Because your heart rate beat a bit faster. It happens when your sleeping posture is oblique to left. The explanation is half your left body props the right body, thus the work of inside organs including heart which locate in your left body work a bit hard. Heart locates a bit left. That's why you will feel uneasy then change your sleeping posture once you feel it is hard.
           After from left oblique, you will change to your right oblique. This sleeping posture is relieving, it is opposite to the left oblique. You feel relax and quiet because right oblique can props the inside organs and impact to maximum workload of the organs and also metabolism which needed to gain health. 
             Some people also have different sleeping posture. There is on-your-stomach sleeping posture. This posture put your stomach as the bottom to your bed. It will push your stomach work harder to process body metabolism. Sometimes it also disturb metabolism. There are benefit among sleeping posture for sure. Those are some information that I can give you. I hope it can provide solution for your sleeping problem. See you in the next article. 


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