Build your strength at home

                Sport is healthy activity that you can do anywhere at anytime. One of sport that most men do is bodybuilding Hasil gambar untuk bodybuilding . When you want to start bodybuilding, you may feel shy or ashamed of your body. It should be your motivation. There are two purpose of bodybuilding based on my experience.
  1. ·         First. Bodybuilding for strength Gambar terkait.
  2. ·         Second. Bodybuilding for muscle mass.

                My today’s tip is about building strength at home. Why we can do at home?cause you can do the sport without feeling shame of failure but still safe. You may use some equipment or without equipment. Some activities that we will do are push up, pull up, and sit up. Those are the basic to start your strength.
  • ·         Push upHasil gambar untuk push up . This activity is famous in military for basic training of cadet selection. You can do repetition in some sets with minimum repetition or A.K.A reps based on your ability to do reps in one set. After you are able to do reps in maximum reps of sets, you may add some modification in your push up activity, such put some load on your back, or one breathe for ten second, etc
  • ·         Pull up or chin up Gambar terkait. This activity is also famous in military for basic training of cadet selection. You can do repetition in a set same as push up. Then you can modify after you are familiar with pull up activity, such hang some load on your waist, or one breathe for 5 or 10 pull, etc
  • ·         Sit up Hasil gambar untuk sit up. This sport activity is one of compulsory activity in police academy and military school. It is the same reps as push up and pull up. This activity may need partner to hold your legs

                Those are activities that can build your strength at home. After you have enough or feel bored practicing at home, you can continue to gym or higher level of bodybuilding or make some challenge. Remember, you can set some self-target to achieve. Reaching something is easier than keeping on it. So, stay focus and motivated. See you again..


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