how to lose your weight by steaming food

How to lose your weight by steaming food

                Obesity is nightmare for some people, especially athletes and artists. But nowadays, there are many dietary rules or lose-weight programs. You can choose which you are able to do and affordable. Some programs use food supplement, work-out program, and time-table meal. The clue to success in doing the dietary programs is consistency, determination and diligence. Here is the way,
  • ·         Make schedule and shopping list for food. Make sure buy from fresh market.
  • ·         Prepare your steaming equipment. There are some famous brand you can buy in (i.e electrolux)
  • ·         Check your body weight, set your target.
  •        Wishlist gym equipment or gym center. Simple Gym equipment or complex one are available in 
                Starting the program, you must hold your appetite. It’s about steaming all the time. Prepare your food, like meat, chicken, eggs, sausage and vegetable. Steam the food using the one you bought from, do not add any sugar, salt or any seasoning. Steam for about 10 to 15 minutes. Set target for 3 months. Then check the result. If it works on you then continue for your daily consumption. Because steaming food is healthy and delicious.
                The next level of your losing weight program is work out. It’s needed, because you lose both weight and fat so your muscle is getting limb. Fat is needed in small piece to stick to muscle. That’s why after your fat lose, you must strengthen your muscle by doing sport. Here is the simple task,
  • ·         Push up 

  • ·         Sit up 

  • ·         Pull up

                Start with light repetition, break for 45 second. Continue again for 3 sets. Make it three times a week and rest a day after work out. Set target for 3 months, then see the different. When you feel bored with your simple work out, go to gym center with friends or modify your training with some homebase gym equipment or organic movement such as
, plankHasil gambar untuk plank  or swimming. Remember that it’s about consistency and motivation. When your motivation is gone, build it up again and find your focus. That’s all folks..see you again in other work out..


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